Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mijos: Fiesta Face-Off

Author: David Gonzales
Genre: Realistic Fiction

Summary: The main characters are Andres,Esteban,Ricardo,Antonio,Roverto,Maria and Selena. It was about those boys and girls Ricardo didn't want that Andres will bi the honor student.Ricardo he was going but he the want .Because he hadn't his record bag Andres has his record good.

Review: I liked because is a book that it cant happen to me or to you.Is a book of a group of kids that try to make it better.We're in the community and were they go two school.

Posted by: Luis Mendoza

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

David Mortimore Baxter: Liar!

Author:Karen Taylor
David wanted to be popular. So he made a lie that a famous reseller was ghana be at hes house. These sunday ebri bothi was out at hes house what would he duo.What would he tel his parents.Read and faun out.

I lake this book because it was funny lot of fun.I wanted to read the hold series.I houlp that you well laked lake i thit.

posted by:Victor Romano